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torsion stress中文是什么意思

用"torsion stress"造句"torsion stress"怎么读"torsion stress" in a sentence


  • 扭应力
  • 扭转应力


  • Lacunaris elastic plane bending and torsion stress concentration problem
  • Law of torsion stress
  • The biomenchanicai study shows the stress and dispiacement measurements in aht - avb group was iess than in iiiac group and controi group in various modeis such as flex , extension , leff and right bending ( p < 0 . 01 ) . the torsion stress in both iiiac and aht - avb groups were greater than in control group which indicated a deficiency of anti4orsion ability of aht - avb . with additional anterior piate or pedicle screw , their stabiiity in varies modeis jncluding torsion all increased and greater than in control group
    生物力学测试结果显示人工椎体在屈曲、伸展、左右弯曲、扭转等工况下应变较对照组及髂骨植骨组小,位移测试结果小于对照组及髂骨植骨组( p 0 . 01 ) ;髂骨植骨组及人工椎体组在扭转状态下其应变及位移均大于对照组,提示旋转性能不足;附加前路或后路内固定后? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?其各个工况下强度及刚度均明显增加且均大于对照组。
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